Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Race to Ten

GOAL: Post 10 random facts before 10pm, then go to bed. It is 9:54.

  1. I heart Glee. Like, a lot. (Not alot.)
  2. This morning I saw a "Road Closed" sign on the road out of town, so I turned around and went all the way back to the other exit out of town to get onto Hwy 60. Took 8 extra minutes. Tonight I came into town on the "Road Closed" way and discovered the road is closed for exactly 10 feet and I would have only had to go through a parking lot or around the block to get past the baricades.
  3. I requested blueberry dessert pizza at the Pizza Ranch buffet today. You're welcome, everyone who came to the buffet after me.
  4. It is currently lightning, thundering, and pouring rain.
  5. I should stop eating summer sausage and pepperjack cheese on onion bread so close to bedtime.
  6. I baked a chocolate cake tonight and can't decide if I put an extra cup of water in or not. At the end of the baking time, it was still soup inside, but after baking 10 min. extra, toothpick came out clean. 
  7. I get super-annoyed everytime the wife on House Hunters makes a joke about the size of the closet in the super-huge houses they're touring, saying "it might fit my clothes" or "I can't even fit all my shoes in here". If you can't allow your husband some room in a closet that is larger than my bedroom, you might want to reevaluate your clothing allowance.
  8. On my way into town tonight, a lady at the intersection to my right stopped at a stop sign, then pulled into the intersection (turning in front of me onto my road) but stopped right in the middle of the intersection to fumble around in her purse, find her lighter, and light her cigarette. THEN she looked up to see if anyone was coming. Never been more thankful for defensive driving skills. She also came around the corner by my house which means she was on her way to the nursing home or the hospital to work (she was wearing scrubs).  Disgusting habit.
  9. Adam rolled a ball to Ryan for a while tonight (the "question-a-ball", for those in our small group) and he actually caught it a few times and can kind of roll it back. He loved it and was such a happy kid playing tonight. So much fun now that he can do more things!
  10. I absolutely can't wait to see my sister tomorrow and for Ryan to see his cousins on Friday! 
It's 10:01. DANG!

Good night!

1 comment:

  1. I get annoyed about the closet comment, too. They should try sharing the closet we had in Denver!

    P.S. Glad to see you & Ryan, too!
