Monday, May 17, 2010


I'd heard plenty of horror stories of how your teeth rot from pregnancy hormones and I was afraid of the results from my last checkup since it had been over a year and half since my last x-rays (my dental hygienist was one of the first people to know I was pregnant since I had to tell her so they wouldn't do x-rays of my teeth).  Cavities also seem to be a bit of a workplace hazard for me, you know with the eating candy all day being part of my job description. Thankfully, I only had one cavity and I got it filled today.

I usually strategically plan my dentist appointments as to when there is something decent on TV, but since that rules out most of the day and since I usually feel completely wiped out after having my teeth worked on, I scheduled this appointment for as late in the day as I could. I know that novacaine technically only numbs the gums but does anyone else feel like it reaches your brain too? I always walk out of the room in a stupor, half-awake and half-self conscious of the drool I am certain is hanging from my still-numb lips.  In the past the "sleepy juice", as Dr. Jesperson used to call it, would last on and on, usually traveling up my face to my eye, nose, and all through my tongue. One summer I made the mistake of having a cavity filled first thing in the morning and then going on to work. It was over an hour commute and I was so tired I had to pull over for a while on the way there. The numbness lasted the entire day and I still couldn't feel my face when I went home at 5. This is why I always, ALWAYS have my appointments at the end of the day.

The appointment went just fine but I still left in a haze of warm-tongue numbness, dry lips, and the feeling that I should be in bed, not signing my name to a debit charge that I didn't have the foggiest idea how much money I was agreeing to have taken out of my checking account.  So, when I went to pick up Ryan and my mom said he had just fallen asleep 10 minutes before I arrived, I decided it would be best to just let him sleep for a bit and maybe I would just lie down for a few minutes before packing him up.

I slept for an hour.

I think everyone who I encountered on Highways 18 and 60 can be grateful for that, otherwise I'm not sure we all would have made it home tonight.

Thankfully the novocaine wore off in time for me to eat some supper, but now my teeth feel all weird and sugary. It could be because my dentist said my cavity (underneath an old filling he had to remove) was kind of deep and might affect the nerves more, or it could be all the M&M's I ate while watching Glee on the internet.

Your call.

1 comment:

  1. I had forgotten about the "sleepy juice"! :o) I got a filling last Monday morning and they had to do a double-shot of novacaine b/c I wasn't numb enough the first time. I desperately wanted to try a gyro from the Pita Pit since I had a coupon about to expire, so I got one for lunch after picking up the kids in Hudson and sort of tried to eat it on the way home. I ended up waiting until I got Lincoln down for a nap and the numbness was starting to wear off enough that I wouldn't accidentally bite my lip off. :op
