Saturday, May 8, 2010

Uncle Andy's Graduation

Saturday was the big day that Adam's brother graduated from Northwestern College. Both of Adam's parents plus Adam and Kim (Andy's wife) are alumni, so I was one of the only non-N-dubbers of the bunch. I wasn't sure about bringing a 7 month old to a college graduation, but Ryan did just fine.

First, we found Andy before the ceremony started and wished him good luck. Ryan was still a little sleepy from the car ride.
Then, we went and found the seats Adam's parents had saved for us. I shouldn't have worried about how we were going to keep Ryan entertained for 40 minutes before the ceremony started.

I was lucky to get a snapshot of Andy walking in! Do not be fooled by the color of his cords. He is not an Iowa State fan. The gold cords are for graduating Summa Cum Laude and the red cord is for being selected as the Outstanding Graduate of the Education department. I told that kid to stop studying so much but apparently he did not listen to me.
Dr. Vander Brugge was the speaker and he was quite enjoyable. I don't have a picture of him or of Andy receiving his diploma but from experience (Adam's graduation, my sister's, and possibly my BIL's, which for some reason I honestly can't remember if I attended or not. Olive Garden has crowded out the timeline of that day) I know that trying to get that shot from that far away was a lost cause.  After Andy walked, Ryan and I took a little break from the action to change into a clean diaper and have a bottle. I feel the need to specify that both of those are for Ryan, not for Ryan and I, but I will admit the break was nice for me too. I got to watch a little Disney Channel in the RSC with the rest of the moms with restless kids.  Ryan actually did perfect-either sleeping or sitting quietly playing with his books and the program for the whole thing.

When it was over, we made our way to the gym. Tip for all NWC graduates--before the ceremony, pick a meeting spot with your family so you know where to find each other. I felt sorry for the poor saps climbing the bleachers with their eyes shielded, searching desperately for their missing party members so they could get on with driving to Sioux City to go to Olive Garden. (That was me 3 years ago.)  The SW corner is the best meeting spot. Also, when the entire audience tries to leave the RSC out of the front left doors--follow the orchestra through front right doors. They also lead to the gym. Just trying to help you out, here. This blog is nothing if not overly informational.

The gym is for taking pictures and losing/finding friends and family members. We were happy to get some good shots with the graduate!
Grandpa and Grandma Mol came down from Minnesota for the event.

After graduation, we had a delicious meal together at Adam's parents house and wished Andy & Kim well on their upcoming move to the Omaha area.  Although graduation was nice, I'm kind of glad I'm done with Northwestern graduation ceremonies.

At least until 2032.

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