Saturday, July 10, 2010


This weekend was the annual summer celebration in our Hometown and where the company I work for is based.  We, of course, are expected to have a big parade entry and LOTS of candy! We have a train that kids ride in and the last car held 45 huge bags full of candy that we threw out (mostly in the first few blocks--we need a lesson in moderating our candy throwing).
It was sunny and hot on Saturday, but I am not complaining about the heat because it could have been worse for me, I could have been in "the suit." The lady who wore it claims she lost 10 lbs. in the 9 blocks of the parade route.
Ryan and Adam watched the parade with Adam's mom. Ryan apparently did not appreciate the many sirens and truck horns in the parade, but he sure thought it was fun when Grandpa waved at him from the tractor he used to pull the church float.
He even got to take a picture with Grandpa after the parade was over.
Here's Ryan with me after I was finished with my candy-throwing duties.
After the parade, we walked across the lawn to catch up with my HS friend who grew up next door to Adam. Ryan and her baby, Gavin, got acquainted.
At night, we all went to the summer children's theater production of The Velveteen Rabbit. It was adorable and there were many talented kids singing, acting, and dancing in the production. We were very impressed! Ryan was so tired from the parade that he fell asleep right as the play began. Unfortunately, a section of the play right before Intermission called for the little boy to throw a tantrum and shout "Where's Rabbit?!"  This caused Ryan to go from dead asleep to screaming/crying baby in exactly 1 second. It seems like half the audience turned around to see what happened! Adam did a "scoop and run" and got Ryan calmed down but he sat in the back corner for the rest of the play in case there were any more shouting incidents. The kid sure doesn't like loud noises.

We had a very busy but fun Summerfest weekend!

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