Thursday, September 23, 2010

Giant Cupcake

So the back story behind this giant cupcake is that my department was going to run a cupcake walk at the company picnic with the grand prize being a giant cupcake. After the special pan, 6 cakes mixes, liners, frosting, and sprinkles were purchased, the picnic was canceled. So, we all picked a Friday to bring in our cupcakes and since I was supposed to make the big cupcake for the picnic, that's what I'm bringing tomorrow.

I jazzed up the cake mix with a recipe from  Chocolate from The Cake Mix Doctor and turned the yellow cake mix into Peanut Butter Cake.  The silicone pan (purchased from Dollar General) was a semi-disaster and took super-long to bake, but I managed to salvage it enough to be edible...judging from the taste-testing I did on the overflow edges I cut off :).

1 comment:

  1. "Adam...uh where's Nika? Nika?" (look of horror as Courtney's gaze falls up on the giant cupcake as she realizes....) "I just baked our dog into a giant cupcake."
