Friday, September 10, 2010


I took the afternoon off from work today to pick up Ryan and attend the High School's Homecoming activities. They started with coronation, then had a pep rally in the gym. Finally, there was the Homecoming parade all the way through town. We didn't have homecoming parades in my Hometown. Actually, my dad told me they used to have a parade and every class would make a fancy float with some sort of theme revolving around beating whoever their opponent was in that night's football game. However, one year his class decided not to put a lot of effort into their float and basically just put some knobs on a big box and came up with some lame slogan about "Compute a Victory". This is when computers literally were as big as a float. Apparently the school was not impressed with their effort and my dad claims that may have been the catalyst to discontinue the parade tradition. So, great job.

Since it was my first time attending this kind of parade, I snapped a few pictures. I did not take pictures of the teams riding on fire trucks or the baffling addition of John Deere tractors in the lineup (possibly FFA tie-in here, but still...a stretch). Side note: I am not making fun of FFA. That is dangerous territory on which I will not tread. I loved your tractors. They're the best tractors I've ever seen in a Homecoming Parade. Next year, please add more tractors.

Here's what I did take pictures of:

There were floats:
There was royalty:
There were moms driving mowers like the Shriner's rat patrol:
There were bands, including the HS band playing Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance". I think they should all wear Lady Gaga-inspired costumes a la Glee.

I just saw on the news that we were not victorious in the Homecoming football game. Ryan and I did not attend. Instead, we went to my Hometown to attend the visitation for my dad's cousin, Brian. He was only 53 and a pillar of the community, owned the local hardware store, was a firefighter and EMT, and was one of my dad's morning coffee buddies. Adam and I will be attending the funeral tomorrow. It sure makes you stop and think about family and making the most of the time you have with them!


  1. Don't burn a Koran.

    Don't mess with FFA.

    Always check expiration dates.

    Always wear a football helmet while driving a lawn tractor in a parade.

    Rules to live by.

    p.s. Happy Birthday, Adam.

  2. I must have missed you at the visitation last night. So sad! Maybe we'll see you shopping in Sioux Falls today if you're still coming. We'll be downtown at the Arts Festival.
