Sunday, October 17, 2010

15 Teeth!

The only good pictures I have that show most of Ryan's teeth also depict a crying and/or screaming child, so to avoid DHS knocking on my door, I'll post a happy, yet less teeth-revealing, picture instead.

Yes, you read the headline right. Ryan is 12.5 months old and has 15 teeth!  He had 8 on top/ 4 on bottom by his first birthday and last week he got the two bottom canines and the left bottom first molar. That makes a total of 8 on top, 7 on bottom with only the 2nd molars and one bottom 1st molar to go! Since the second molars are supposed to appear until around 23-24 months, we might have a big break in teething. Ryan has teethed very well, not drooling excessively and being in general good spirits.

I'm just posting this as a record (I know I'll never keep his baby book updated) because I, too, realize that it makes no sense when parents brag about their child's "accomplishments" that involved nothing but biology and time.  "Look at Junior! His fingernails grew!"  "My baby is SUCH a good pooper!"  "Great Job, Pumpkin! You graduated to a new shoe size!"

So, CONGRATS, Ryno...and don't be offended if someone says "See you later, gator!"

Crocodile Dentist

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