Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Best

Ryan has more Sunday clothes than there are Sundays left in this season/size. I'm not sure why I even bought fancy clothes when we usually go to the "casual" service in which neither Adam nor I wear anything fancier than jeans. Plus, Ryan rarely actually goes into the church sanctuary.

We usually bring him straight to the nursery when it is attended. It allows us to get more out of the service, doesn't disturb those around us and he has fun playing with new toys and new people. This Sunday we went to the early service, so I put him in more formal clothes. Sure hope the nursery attendants enjoyed seeing Ryan in his Sunday best!

He ended up wearing his fancy clothes to my parents where we had an incredible Thanksgiving meal with my sister and her husband, my grandma, and my grandpa. It was fun to watch my grandpa interacting with Ryan! They rolled a ball back and forth and Ryan even stole grandpa's walker and ran away with it! Everyone liked seeing how much he's improved in his walking. He now walks around the house from room to room and will walk to objects instead of just people. In our house, he can walk from the kitchen all the way to his crib!

We enjoyed a wonderful afternoon with family!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, so I don't even think Lincoln owns something that could be called "Sunday Best". I dress him for the nursery, which is always hot and stinky. So he wears T-shirts to church. Now Emily, on the other hand, dresses herself these days and with 3 "princess" dresses to choose from there is no shortage of glamour and sparkle! ;o)
