Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve Night

On Christmas Eve night, we traveled to Hometown for supper with my dad's side of the family. We enjoyed catching up with cousins, aunts, and uncles. Ryan especially had fun playing with his cousin, Lincoln (19 months) and my cousin Jace (11 months).

Here's Ryan showing Jace how the Tractor and animals work.
 So helpful.
He finally got around to opening his own present from Great-Grandma which was an awesome Talk & Teach Transport. It's a great toy for Ryan and Lincoln because the cars are a good size for little hands and don't come apart. The truck can "sense" how many and which cars you take off or put on and has an electronic voice with a Chicago/Boston accent, so it tells you to "find.the.RED.Cah." or counts "Three cahs, Foh cahs." It also turns itself off if you haven't touched it in a while and says "Good-bye! See you SOON on the ROAD!"

Ryan had to go show Grandma and Grandpa his new toy!

Lincoln knew just what to do with his Carrier.  Ryan was a little standoffish at first (we call this his "catalog pose") but once we got the toy home, he loves laying on the kitchen floor and pushing the cars around and taking them out and putting them back in the truck.

Before the night was over, he shared a few more laughs and some exploring with Jace and made it until 10:00 when we finally packed up and headed to Adam's parents to spend the night.

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