Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas in Minnesota

On Sunday, we went to the early service at church and then took off for Minnesota to Adam's grandparents. It was a tight squeeze with five of us and our gear in a Rendezvous, but they still let me sit in the front to avoid another unfortunate "stop at Hardees so Courtney can puke" sidetrip. After supper at the farm, we headed to Adam's Aunt and Uncle's for the big family party. 
Ryan opened a very special present from Great Grandpa and Grandma.

Great Grandpa made a "Sit Down, I'm a Chair, Step Up I'm a Stair" for Ryan and for Malachi!

Ryan's seem awfully "comfortable" in his!

Ryan also loved climbing up and down the wide carpeted stairs. 
His method of "crawling down" consists of sliding down on his well-padded belly, causing his pant legs to hike up to his knees. We'll keep practicing!

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