Wednesday, January 12, 2011

By the Numbers

-4--the outdoor temperature when I arrived at the office this morning.

59--the indoor temperature of our office when I arrived this morning.

2--the number of time I have witnessed mysterious lights falling over K52 in Sioux County. Tonight it was a falling green light followed by a flash of red. Not to go all UFO on you since it was mostly likely a meteor (or maybe fireworks?) but it was not nothing.

19--the number of days we have been without a working TV remote. But today...oh day of days...oh glorious arrived. Now when Adam gets up and goes to bed, leaving it on some basketball game I don't care about, I can actually notice 20 minutes later and switch it to Conan.

20--the number of minutes it took me to calm down enough to go to sleep last night after listening to Bill Maher on Leno. His generalizations and vicious accusations simply defy all reason.

87.90--the amount owed by the elderly couple in front of me in Walmart's "Speedy" Checkout lane. If you're wondering how 20 items or less totaled over $87, so am I and the 5 full bags of groceries I waited for them to load in their cart. And they wrote a check. So that was fast.

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