Overall, I like the history shown in the museum and find it interesting. For 1-year-olds, Ryan gives it a solid "meh" rating:
I think he was just anxious to get to the "BIG SLIDE!" He loves the little playset that is just his size--he can go up and down the stairs, through the tunnel, over the bridge, and down the slide all by himself!
After a hot afternoon at the park, we came home and Ryan had his first taste of one of my favorite summer treats: Mr. Freezes! or Pop Ice! or Flav-o-Ice! or Polar Treats! or "Mommy was having a stressful day and these reminded her of simpler times plus it was on sale for $2.50 and had a $2.50 rebate so they were the cost of a postage stamp."
Ryan wasn't too sure at first, but soon got the hang of it. At the end, he kept squeezing so hard the ice would pop out and fall on his tray and he'd try to stuff it back in the sleeve. And yes, he was that sweaty.
That night we headed back to the park for a picnic with our small group.
The kids had fun playing together.
We will miss this group of people (and all of our former small group members) a ton!
The two-headed calf thing is just gross. I bought some lemonade Bomb Pops as a special treat yesterday. Emily only ate half of one. I haven't given one to Lincoln yet. We might have to stick with Mr. Freezes. I'm pretty sure I have about 20 of them somewhere in the depths of my chest freezer that I bought 2-3 years ago. :o)