Saturday, June 25, 2011

Wedding Photos

On Saturday, June 25, we spent much of the morning packing, but wrapped it up in time to attend one of my co-worker's weddings. I was good friends with her older sister since elementary, so it seemed natural to be out on their family farm once again. The wedding was beautiful, Maria's dress was amazing, and the reception had the best food I've had at a wedding (including my own)! 

We brought Ryan to Adam's parents before the wedding and he had fun playing basketball "up high" with Daddy and Grandpa.

I realized recently that I hardly have any photos of just Adam and me. 
Now I think I know why (see bottom right corner.)

We did manage to get one of just the two of us:

But only because I cropped it:

If you can't beat, join 'em, right?

Does the hat need explanation? I think it might. It is my in-law's hat and Ryan loves it. Part of me imagines Adam wore it as a kid as some part of a costume and the other part thinks he just wore it as a kid.  It makes holding Ryan on your hip or playing basketball tricky, but I guess it's a good sunshade (if you're a member of the Swiss Family Robinson).

But on to the wedding...I don't have any good pictures of the actual wedding or reception, but if any of you know Maria's mom (and I'm guessing about 40% of you do), I'm sure there will be an album of photos printed at Harold's that you can look through and possibly order. So, here's about the only pictures I have from the wedding of some fellow (and former) TFCC co-workers.
 And don't ask why only my hair is being blown by the wind.

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