Saturday, July 9, 2011

New House!

Saturday, July 9, we moved into our new house in our new town! Joe and Clark brought the trailer from our old town, 50 miles away, my parents came, and my aunt and uncle and their family who live in our new town were also there for all the fun! We knocked out the unloading in a couple hours with breaks for the 2 dozen muffins and 1 dozen donuts.  When Adam's parents (who just arrived home from Hawaii) brought Ryan to the new house that evening, his reaction was priceless. Part of me was sad not to capture it on video, but I'm glad I got to experience his excitement first-hand without the filter of a digital screen between us. As he walked in saying "boo house!" (new house), his eyes lit up. Then he ran into each room and exclaimed "Woooooow!" with a big smile! He loves his new house and we do too!

Our ranch house is not anything fancy-it was modestly built in 2002, but has so many features we love: an extra-long, finished, attached garage; an open kitchen/dining/living room area; nice appliances, 3 bedrooms on the main floor, 2 finished bedrooms in the basement, main floor laundry, good closets, a 2nd bathroom, a theater room , a toy room with laminate wood floors so Ryan can play basketball and use his ride-on toys, a low-traffic street, a huge backyard with a deck and gazebo, a neighborhood filled with young families, a 1-minute walk to the grocery store, a 2-block walk to the High School and College FB field.

We don't have much we "have" to do to the house--just planning to add some landscaping and eventually paint inside (everything is pretty neutral), and will probably need some more furniture since we doubled the finished square footage.

What was Ryan's favorite part of moving into our new house? The boxes!

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