Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hawaii: Slaughterhouse Beach

On Wednesday, we ate our lunch (sand sandwiches, as Jeremy recalls) on Slaughterhouse Beach. This ended up being our favorite beach for swimming, sunning, and cramming sand into our swimsuits by attempting to jump the waves. More than a few times one or more of us ended as a mass of arms and legs tumbling up on shore, but it was fun to watch it happen to others!  We swam here on Wed, Thursday, and Saturday morning, so the pictures below are a collection of our trips.

There is limited parking for this beach, which is great because it was never crowded! 
There are stairs leading down to the sand.
It's an idyllic scene-a little cove with rocks on the sides but very fine white sand in the middle.
The waves were quite strong, especially on the last day. 
This pictures lends a little more perspective:
 On Saturday, the others were a bit braver than I. Here's Adam swimming down a wave.
The sand was exquisite, turning into a 6" deep "sponge" where the tide came in. The top side was perfect for drawing in the sand for a future photobook cover:
This beach is one I'll never forget from our beautiful trip to Maui, Hawaii in 2011.

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