Ryan got to go along with us to Omaha, but instead of accompanying us to the furniture mega-plex, wedding, and reception, he got to spend lots of quality time with Uncle Andy and Aunt Kim!
The night we arrived, he stayed up late to "play toys" with Andy and waited for Kim to get home from work.
During the break between the wedding and reception, we went back to Andy's and he took Ryan swimming!
Ryan was trying out his "butterfly" inflatable ring and arm floaties for the first time. He was pretty proud marching all the way to the pool with his new accessories. Once in the pool with Andy, he had a blast and threw an absolute fit when we had to leave the pool 45 minutes later.
We had a bit of a rough night sleeping since Ryan doesn't do well sleeping in the same room as us. And therefore we do not do well either. In fact, we don't sleep at all. After many different tactics (on the couch, on the floor, on the bed, one of us on the floor, one of us on the bed) I finally just put him back in the Pack N Play and let him cry for a bit and he eventually settled down. In the morning we were so tired that we overslept a bit and I didn't dare turn around to check the time at the risk that I'd be staring at a little tow-head who thought it was time to get up even though it was way too early. I held out as long as I could and finally turned over when I heard suspicious noises.

Note to self, do not put Pack & Play near a nightstand that holds a box of Kleenex. He had actually scrunched up and blown his nose on all of them. He's an excellent nose blower-especially at his age...something he may want to consider putting on his future resume: "Early adopter of Nose Blowing." At this point we only had 45 minute to shower, get ready, eat breakfast, get Ryan ready, pack the van and get out the door. Ryan kept busy watching Buster, Andy's classroom hamster. I think Buster remembered a
little incident they had last year and seems to be saying, "So...we meet again."
Andy also entertained Ryan by showing him some live books on his nook.
Uncle Andy has a Nook.
Uncle Andy reads a book.
Ryan took a look at the book on his Nook.
Then, it was time to say goodbye to Uncle Andy and Aunt Kim. Hugs and kisses all around, says Ryan!
Thanks, Andy and Kim for letting us stay with you and for taking care of Ryan! We really appreciate it and hope to see you again soon!