Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Grandpa's 91st Birthday

 Tonight we met with family to celebrate my Grandpa Jim's 91st Birthday. Grandpa is a special man and it was nice to be able to share a meal with him and other members of our family.

Ryan likes to visit  "Gampa Vannah Koy" and his roommate Arnie at the nursing home. We were happy that Grandpa made a trip over with my mom to see our new house this week and we had a good time sitting outside and watching Ryan golf.

Ryan had a great time at the Pizza Ranch, getting his fill of pizza, cheesy Ranch sticks, mashed potatoes, applesauce, mandarin oranges, and ice cream, singing songs for everyone, and crawling around under the tables. He also had fun imitating Uncle Wade's face (or was Wade imitating him?) We were hoping Abbie's baby could share Grandpa's birthday, but it looks like we're all going to have to wait a little longer. Her due date is tomorrow and if she is half as excited as I am, she's about to jump out of her skin. (Okay, she's justifiably TWICE as excited as I am, so I'm guessing it's bordering on unbearable.)

Ryan picked out cards and colored them for Uncle Wade's and Great-Grandpa's birthday and we also gave my Grandpa a new picture collage for his bulletin board.

Happy Birthday, Grandpa! We love you!

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