Sunday, August 7, 2011

Rynomite's Songs

Ryan all of a sudden is into singing songs and "Jesus Loves Me" is his favorite. He is especially enthusiastic about the line "He is Strong" and will often add extra lines just so he can add the actions.

Another favorite is "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star". He skips some of the words but has the overall feel of the song. It sounds like he has a heavy German accent when he gets to the end, but I pretty much love his enthusiasm.

Ryan likes the actions of "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and loves to "wash the spider out". It's funny to see which syllables/words he thinks are important as apparently not all of them are created equal.

It's amazing to me to watch how his little mind works, imitating not only songs, but also nursery rhymes like "Jack and Jill" and books like "Today is Monday." It's more pleasant to hear him waking up from a nap singing "Jesus Loves Me" rather than "MOMMY! Dir-ty Diapuh!" and hopefully we can nurture his interest in music. For now, we'll just let him be him, singing with the faith (and wild abandonment) of a child!

1 comment:

  1. How precious! He's the same age, almost, as my little granddaughter, and they love the same songs. There's just nothing more fun that watching a toddler pick up language, something new and delightful every day.

    Thanks for stopping by "One Hundred Words".
