Saturday, October 29, 2011

Emily's Last Day of Being Four

My spunky niece, Emily, turned 5 this weekend and Ryan and I were so excited to be able to spend Saturday and Sunday at her house!

When we first arrived, we took advantage of the nice weather and all played outside in their fun backyard.

Safety first, right?

Then, we took a trip to duo's, the ice cream/coffee shop down the street.

I got a scoop of Zoreo and a scoop of Latte Da and could have eaten a freezer full of both.

When we came back, it was time to measure the corn my dad had helped them plant last Spring.

 It was 10.5" tall!

After supper, it was time for a bath...
 ...and bed (for the "little guys")

Emily stayed up to help frost her cinnamon rolls for the next morning (and decorate them with butterfly sprinkles) while I frosted her strawberry-flavored butterfly cake!
Emily had a fun "last day being 4" with her cousins!

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