Saturday, October 1, 2011

NWC Homecoming

 In addition to being Ryan's birthday, Saturday was Northwestern's Homecoming! We got dressed in our Raider Red and headed down to Morning on the Green for some fun!

First, he tried out some fishing...

 ...and snagged some Smarties and a Foam Finger.

We not only got a red balloon sword, but also an N-dub balloon-on-a-stick, which he used to beat on trees and whack passing children.
He found Juliana, Leah, Craig, Colin, and Carter. and may or may not have gotten some extra Dum Dums from the Coly guys running the Plinko Game. (I think Juliana had more to do with that than it being his birthday.)
 Ryan had a fun Morning on the Green. Then, we checked out the new RSC and ate a quick tailgate meal before heading over to the football game.  He lasted less than a quarter, but cheered hard for the Raiders while were were there!

Go Big Red!

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