Sunday, November 13, 2011


Me: "Ryan, what do you want for breakfast?"Ryan:"Ummm, goldfish."
Me:"We don't have goldfish for breakfast. We have things like yogurt or cereal or eggs or toast or muffins."
Ryan: "Okay, I'll have cake."

(We ended up making muffins but did make a cake for later!)
Adam (to Ryan): "Hey Buster George, are you ready to get in the car?"
Ryan: "Nooo"
Adam: "Is your name Buster George?"
Ryan: "No, it's RYAN!"
Adam: "Well, what is your middle name then?"
Ryan: "RYNO"

(Ryan Ryno Boone does have a bit of a ring to it.)
Playing with his Little People Nativity Set and Farm set (We bring 'stable' up to the next level)
Ryan: "Mommy!"
Me; "What?"  (He will NOT go on with his question until you respond. He will keep saying Mommy Mommy! Mommy! with increased urgency and volume)
Ryan: "Where's the farmer?"
Me: "The farmer is downstairs. Maybe the shepard can drive the tractor?"
Ryan: "No, Mommy. The KING drives the tractor."

Apparently the wiseman is better equipped, what with all his camel-driving experience.
Me (filling the muffin cups with batter)
Ryan (in an amazed voice): "Whoa! Good JOB, Mommy!"

One of Ryan's gifts is to be a good encourager :) He's given us this same encouragement for things like putting together his bed, folding laundry, reaching something on a high shelf, or successfully toasting "gay-gulls" (bagels).
Me: "Adam, do you want some apple cider?"
Adam: "Sure"
Ryan: "Mommy! I want spider juice too!"

Me: "Ryan, should we wear your dinosaur jammies tonight?"
Ryan: "Wear Curious George jammies."
Me: "Oh, I think those are in the wash."
Ryan: "Yeeah, Curious George dirty. Gramma better wash them."

Ryan bumped the top of his head on something and started crying.
Me: "Do you want me to kiss it all better?"
Ryan: "No-oh-oh-oh. I kiss it."

And then he tried to kiss the top of his own head!

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