Sunday, November 27, 2011

Saylor's Baptism

This morning, my beautiful niece, Saylor, was baptized in the church I grew up in. She did great during the service and we did everyone in the congregation a favor by sending Ryan to nursery along with Lincoln.  We had a family photo frenzy after the service, and then enjoyed a delicious brunch downstairs. We love Saylor very much and can't wait to watch her grow up!

Here's Saylor's happy family:
Here's the best shot of our little family:
I thought Megan's family photo turned out great too:
Ryan decided he should get in on the action (little turkey smiled more in *their* family photo than ours!

We also had to get a full family shot at the request of my grandma, since the one hanging in her house was pre-Austin, Adam, Wade, Emily, Lincoln, Ryan and Saylor.
 Since she was the one who made us take the picture, we made her get in the picture too:
My grandma also requested a new pictures of us three girls since the last one was from Abbie's high school graduation:
It was a great morning and the end of a great weekend with family. We love you, Saylor!

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