Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving #2

At noon on Thanksgiving, we went to Adam's Uncle and Aunt's house for his Dad's side. We, of course, had tons of food and a nice time catching up with family. There were two older boys there who did a great job playing with Ryan.

After dinner and pie, it's a family tradition to play Bingo and everyone gets a prize after they win. Adam's mom helped Ryan with his card and we quickly discovered they were going to have to use little wooden circles instead of the Christmas M&Ms the rest of us were using, on account of some of them quickly disappearing from the gameboard.  When Ryan won, he shouted "Bingo!" and got his prize bag. He LOVED the cow and calf he got (perfect for his farm set).  I was the last person to win and got an Iowa State chocolate bar. Don't worry, we traded for a Hawkeye one.

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