Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve at Home

On Christmas Eve morning, we had our own family Christmas and Ryan helped haul up the presents from the basement where they had been semi-safely stored (minus the opening and breaking his Curious George ornament incident earlier in the week). We haven't really started the whole "Santa" thing and I'm not sure we really will.

It was a good thing most of the presents were for him, so he could just tear into them right away. We'd have plenty of lessons about taking turns and sharing later on in the weekend.

He opened a new book/CD right away, then picked up a package and said "DBD!" Oh boy, he recognizes the shape and size already (and does not have a "V" sound). We let him watch this Curious George- Zoo Night DVD in the van on the way to our Christmas party and he announced we have to go to "next story" because the one with the "'nocerous and lion and tiger is too scary".
Ryan got an awesome fence for his birthday made from wood on Adam's Grandpa's farm. He likes corralling his farm animals (including dinosaurs) and I thought he'd like this additional wood corral. He loved it! He set it all up in the living room and lined up all his cars inside. We also tried on his new Twins jersey and shorts. I just hope they still fit this summer!

He also loved his new snow shovel so he can help Daddy...if it ever snows!

He also got a few things in his stocking. I found a bunch of Adam's old farm toys, so I wrapped up a few of those. Here's a video of him opening another gift from his stocking:

We had a breakfast of each our favorites: mini chocolate chip muffins for Ryan, Triple Berry pancakes for Adam, and hashbrowns for me! It was a nice and relaxed Christmas Eve morning!

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