Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Night

After Ryan's nap, we headed to my parent's house for another round of Christmas! After eating dinner and lots of goodies at Verlyn's and Sue's, I was relieved to find there wasn't much to snack on at my parent's.

Before presents, we wanted to give a "grandkids" picture the old college try.
That went as expected.

So, it was on to presents. It was pretty much a free-for-all as people opened gifts as soon as they were handed to them. Ryan received lots of cool stuff, some only a grandma could give/get away with (aka thanks for the microphone).

What's better than a Battat Take Apart Crane?

My favorite present was the shelf I designed that my mom had VerHoef Custom Woodworking make for me. It matches our entertainment center perfectly and I can't wait to find some cool things to set on it!

Ryan's favorite present was a red PlasmaCar. Emily had received one for her birthday in October and we tried out the "little guys" on it to see if they could work it. They have a little growing into learning how to wiggle just right, but for the most part, I think they have it down!

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