Sunday, December 11, 2011

First Snowman

The snow packed wonderfully, but we picked up lots of leaves, so we had to top-dress it with some clean snow. With a lack of raw materials (charcoal, carrots, corncobs, branches, etc.), we had to improvise with what we had on hand, which turned out to be cattails, Oreos, and a Twizzler. Ryan had a lot of fun rolling, smoothing, and poking, but seems a bit frightened of the finished product. Nika is equally as disturbed as now each time I let her out, she barks defensively at the "intruder" in the back yard.  We call him the "AbominOreo Snowman".

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I'm still in denial it's even December, let alone almost Christmas. It's hard to think winter when it's 45 degrees and raining and the grass is still pretty much green. :op Can't wait to see you guys again!
