Happy: "Mommy! I went potty! You be so happy!!"
Scared: "I'm not sca-wed of buffalo; it's not sca-wy"
Excited: Me: "Ryan, do you want to go to the basketball game?"
Ryan: "Yeah, I'm 'cited!"
Proud: "Mommy! I made it [to the potty]! You so pwoud!"
Grumpy: Me: "Let's go upstairs."
Ryan: "No, I can't."
Me: "Why not?
Ryan: "Because I'm too gwumpy."
Me: "What are you mad?"
Ryan: "Because I'm angwy!"
Tonight about an hour after he was put to bed, Ryan came out in the hallway and announced, "Mommy, I'm ma-ad." After several long explanations, I started video-taping. Here's Ryan explaining why he's ma-ad:
Funny Ryan says "Mommy so happy!" The other day at daycare the lady said when she went on the potty she said, "Mommy be so happy!" Gotta love 'em!