Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day


On Memorial Day, we made the trip to Hull for the pancake breakfast, which Ryan loved. Then, we attended a service at the cemetery. We really appreciated that the nursing home where my grandpa lives brought several residents out in their trolley and my grandpa got to sit in the front. As a WWII vet and former POW, Memorial day means a lot to him and we were glad to be there to commemorate it with him.
After the service, we went back to my parents house and helped clean up the downed branches from the previous night's storm. The kids were big helpers, picking up sticks and loading them into the Kubota.
 Their favorite part was riding in the Kubota while Adam pulled the larger branches into a pile.
 After lunch, the kids played outside again and loved the bubble blowers my mom had found where you just squeeze the body of the bear and the fully-loaded wand pops up to blow through. Then, when you release the squeeze, it sinks back down and reloads. Genius!
The kids all had fun playing together and it was great spending time with family. This was my first day off of work since Jan. 2 and it was sure nice having a 3-day weekend! Now, it's back to the grind and we get ready for our big Summer Meeting coming up!

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