Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I don't know that Ryan really understands any sort of meaning of "Halloween" (he thinks it's just called "trick or treating" or "costume party") but I do know that there is no acceptable "costume" besides Batman. I had planned on him wearing a Spiderman costume that I got with some other clothes from a friend, but after hearing how he insists on being Batman whenever they play Super Heroes at his daycare, I knew we'd never get away with being Spidey.  I decided to bite the bullet and spend some birthday money he got on a full-fledge Batman costume, knowing he'd have lots of fun playing with it after Halloween was over.

 Thank goodness for my mom's Amazon Prime which got me free shipping just in the nick of time. I'm glad I let Ryan look at the possibilities online too, because he was very specific in wanting the BLUE one with the MUSCLES!  I have to admit, it's pretty cute on and he truly loves it! He strikes a pose and runs around like a real super hero saying "blam blam blam bad guys!" I got a size he can grow into too, so unless his interests change, don't be surprised if he's the same caped crusader next year.

On Halloween, he had fun wearing the costume at daycare for a while, then after a quick supper, I took him over to my cousins' house to bring them the monster cookies Ryan and I had made and to get a special treat. We hit a few downtown businesses and then just went up and back our one block. He had fun going around to the houses, especially, so I think we'll just stick to our neighborhood next year instead of going downtown. Since we weren't home to give out much candy, I brought along a bag and "reverse trick-or-treated" at a few of our neighbors who have kids. He got enough treats to ration out over the next few weeks but didn't go overboard.

Once Adam got home from football, we headed to Sioux Center for the Hallelujah Party hosted by Bridge of Hope Church at the Dordt Rec Center. Ryan loved playing a wide variety of carnival games and earned a lot of "small, medium, or large" prize tickets which he traded in for things like ring pops, "lema-lems", sticky frog, plastic dinosaur, Chinese yo-yo, etc. We appreciate all the work that goes into this event and know many families appreciate this fun, safe alternative.

Ryan was especially happy to be able to show Grandpa and Grandma his costume (even if he wasn't fully cooperative for pictures in it) and play lots of games with them.

I think he had a very full, very fun day!

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