Sunday, October 7, 2012


Ryan had a great time playing with his cousins this weekend and is constantly asking how long it will be until we get to go to Emily and Lincoln's house. He especially wants to thank Emily and Lincoln for the Curious George Treasury Books they gave him for his birthday present--we have picked out a story to read from each of them every single night so far!  Thanks also to Grandpa and Grandma who put up with a lot of noise and mess to have all the kids enjoy themselves. And thanks to Saylor who is a trooper putting up with all the crazy big kids (and Ryan hugging her cheeks and calling her "Tookie").
Emily and Lincoln came to play at our house on Saturday morning and enjoyed checking out Ryan's toys, especially the farm animals and truck. They even braved the chilly weather to play on the swings and with his Stomp Rocket! We got together again for supper and for Sunday church and lunch. Ryan was content watching Emily set up the miniature farm set at my parents and kept telling her what a great job she was doing.

Ryan definitely has the hardest time getting along with other boys his age (Lincoln, and T from daycare) but seems to be fine with those older and younger than him...maybe because the ones most similar to him are the ones who want the same toys at the same time!

It was great having my sisters and all our kids together again and will look forward to Christmas when we can give the "grandkid picture" another go...hopefully next time there will be 5 in the shot!

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