Sunday, November 11, 2012

Raider Football

Saturday was the last regular-season game for the Red Raiders and we were very glad it was almost 70 degrees for a great game against Sioux County rival, Dordt. I think it's fair to say we won handily, securing a 55-7 victory. This was the second game that Ryan attended from beginning-to-end and I think it would be fair to summarize his time as:

Quarter 1: Playing on the bleachers with the 2 Long-Horn Cows and 2 cars he brought. Granted, the cows were apparently playing football (lots of tackling between the "Vikings" cow and the "Blue Jays" cow), but still, not a lot of real football being watched.
Quarter 2: Adam's dad took him to go buy a treat at the concession stand and we've perfected getting a bag of Skittles to last an entire quarter (shake out 1 or 2 at a time, then he picks them out of my hand and has to eat them before he gets another one). He was SO excited to discover the purple bag of Skittles has BLUE ones in it--his new favorite.
Quarter 3: Play cows/cars with my cousin, Carter.
Quarter 4: Run around in the grassy area, tackling Grandpa and waiting for the game to be over.
Post-Game: Running onto the field to find Daddy and then NOT cooperating to take pictures.

On Sunday, we found out that NWC had moved up to #12 in the NAIA rankings and they were granted an at-large playoff spot. This means they play #5 Marian this Saturday. We are excited they made the post-season, but it does mean Adam will miss 2 days of school and be gone Thurs-Sun for the trip to Indianapolis. I wish I could go cheer them on, but there is no way I can ride a bus and I don't think it's smart for this 35-weeks pregnant mama to drive. So, Ryan and I will have another weekend together and we'll cheer on the Raiders from home. Ryan is very proud of his Daddy (one of the "coachers", as Ryan calls it) and often talks about how he's going to grow up big and strong so he can be a Raider football player.

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