Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fun in the Snow

Friday was our first significant snowfall, so Saturday afternoon we took advantage and spent some time outside.  Ryan thought going down the slide was pretty fun and it was awfully fast!

Since his sled from last year was cracked (which may or may not be related to Mommy and Daddy using it to go down the hill in the backyard last winter), Adam picked up a new one today and told Ryan about his new red, orange, yellow, and green sled at lunch. He told Ryan it was going to be really fast and asked him what he should call it. Ryan said, "We should call it 'Flash"' because he's really fast!"  Flash is a great name and Ryan had fun being pulled around by Daddy. After a few dumps into the snow, he decided he wanted to go "much, much slower," which is why Mommy was allowed to take over (my speed was more of a trudge than a run.)
Ryan got cold after a while, especially after he took his mittens off and started throwing snowballs with bare hands, but we had fun while it lasted!

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