Saturday, June 15, 2013

Florida Day 3: Vero Beach

On Saturday, we left late morning to make the 2-hour drive to Vero Beach. My sister and brother-in-law were staying at his Aunt and Uncle's beach house, and we were lucky enough to be able to meet them down there to take advantage of a quieter beach for the boys' first experience!

After eating the lunch we packed, we cooled off in the pool.

 Then, we walked down to the beach. Ryan was timid of the ocean, even though it was very calm. He was more concerned about getting his bucket filled up with water so he could start building sand castles. Cohen thought the water was a little too cold but had plenty of people volunteering to hold him.

We had picked up some sand tools and molds at Target and Ryan had a great time building castles. He collected lots of seashells to decorate it as well. He learned a little about tides as several castles were washed out to sea (see bottom right photo in the collage) but handled it well and just rebuilt on higher ground.

We had a fun beach day and are so grateful for the hospitality of Wade's relatives.

On the way back we thought we'd avoid the multiple tolls by taking a route through St. Cloud/Kissimmee which ended up being a mistake. It took forever to get through a town that seemed to never end, but it probably didn't help that it was a driving rain the entire time.  When we got back, we didn't feel like getting all dressed up again, so we just ordered pizza from the restaurant at the resort. We were glad to have a day away to see little bit of the state that wasn't Disney property.

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