Saturday, July 20, 2013

Backyard Camping

We've been promising Ryan that he could try out "camping" in a tent in the backyard and we finally had a weekend at home to do it. 

After supper, we started up the fire and did my favorite part of camping...roasting s'mores. It was fun to just sit around the fire on such a nice night too.

 Ryan spent some time catching fireflies in our backyard and wanted to keep them in the tent with him.

Then, it was time to get pajamas on and head into the tent. Cue exit for this mom. I would be spending the night in my own bed, thank you very much.

Adam and Ryan played a rousing game of CandyLand and read some books before drifting off under the twinkling lights of... the Fareway back lot.
Ryan did great sleeping in the tent, even sleeping through two rain showers and lasted until 7:30am Sunday morning. He's already asking when he can go "camping" again!

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