Sunday, July 28, 2013


Besides the zoo, we had lots of fun in Omaha hanging out with Andy and Kim. Here are a few highlights:

  • Checking how Mario and Luigi were doing (Andy's classroom hamsters who live in the basement during the summer)
  • Playing Wii. Have you ever seen 4 adults watch a 3-year-old try to play Mario? Painful. He also played Mario Kart, but loved Wii Fencing the best. Andy may have let him win a time or two.
  • Going to the park to play soccer and Uncle Andy teaching Ryan how to slide on his knees and yell "Gooooooooal!"
  • Swinging on the swings (on his stomach)
  • Playing with Tessa (their dog)
  • Playing with Andy's classroom "gears"
  • Going to Orange Leaf. Ryan's favorite fro-yo combo is chocolate frozen yogurt with M&Ms and then gummy worms, gummy bears, a chocolate chip cookie on the side.

 Thanks, Andy and Kim and to Adam's parents for a fun weekend!

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