Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013: Hallelujah Party

Ryan was so excited to hand out trick-or-treats but after having only 1 person stop by, he decided we better go out to find them! We went up and down the 2 blocks in our neighborhood in the stroller and every time he collected a treat, he'd say, "I have a treat for you too!" and reached into the bag to give out one of our treats. The ladies on our street got a kick out of that!

After Adam got home, we headed to the Hallelujah Party in Sioux Center and met up with his parents. Ryan had fun playing the games and didn't even care too much about the candy/prizes at the end. He did get a little sick of the pictures (see below) so there aren't too many of the night.

 Cohen did
great hanging out all night and was such a trooper through trick-or-treating and games that were really going to be of no benefit to him.  It was a great day of fun for our family!

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