Sunday, December 29, 2013

Minneapolis Day 2

At the last minute, Adam, Wade and my Dad decided to go to the Vikings game to see the last game played in the Metrodome. They had very high seats, but had a good time anyway and the Vikes won!

The rest of us headed to the mall late morning. These two were ready to go!

After scoping out the rides, Ryan and Lincoln first decided on the train.

 Then, Saylor and Ryan went on the carousel. Ryan picked out a blue dragon and Saylor loved her cat with a fish in it's mouth. She kept yelling "MEOW! MEOW!"

My mom graciously agreed to go on the log ride with Emily and we all patiently waited to watch them come down the last chute.

Here they come!
Way to use Emily to block the water, Mom!

Lincoln introduced us to his favorite attraction, the remote-controlled boats! Ryan enjoyed this one as well.

After a very hectic lunch at Chipotle (very hungry and crabby one-year-old, a double stroller, and mega-lines), the Lorenzens headed to American Girl where Emily picked out her very own doll which she had been saving up to buy for a very long time. I'm proud of her--not may 7-year-olds can say they saved up that much money and had that much patience! Then they had to take off for home, so Saylor and Ryan just went on a truck ride and then Ryan chose Blue's Clues while Saylor had another go-around on the Meow Cat to use up the last of their tickets.
We finished up by checking out the displays inside the Lego Store and met up with Adam who had just arrived back at the MOA tram station.
Then, it was time to load 'em up and head 'em out! It was -17 degrees on our van's temp. readout on the way home and we had to bundle the kids all the way up just to run into McDonald's. Cohen was pretty sick of the carseat by the time we got home at 9:15pm and it was a little hard to go into work the next day, but we had such a fun weekend...we can't wait to do it again!

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