Sunday, November 9, 2014

Going home!

We waited around on Sunday for Avonlea to get checked by the doctor so we could be released. She was released at 6 lbs. 9oz. (lost 5oz. from birth) but was really healthy and eating well.  We tried to take a family picture when the boys visited in the morning, but they were less than cooperative, so the only shot I have are these sweet ones of Cohen.

Leaving the hospital!

The first 2 days at home, Adam was still home from school, so all 5 of us were home together. It made it a little more difficult to rest and recover, but it was nice to have some time together as a family. The boys did a great job adjusting and love showing off their sister. We were also grateful for some meals brought in by our church and work to make cooking less stressful the first few days.

Here are some pictures from Avonlea's first week at home.

She looks so tiny on the changing table!

This looked familiar for some reason...
,,,,Ryan at the same age.

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