Tuesday, May 12, 2009

19 weeks

I'm almost halfway there at over 19 weeks! I thought the morning sickness was gone in the past 2 weeks, but Sunday morning begged to differ. It's getting better, though. Still tired with a few killer headaches, but everything is looking healthy and that's all I care about! Heart rate was 147 on Monday and all my tests have come pack great. I had to buy some new pants (a size up) and am dipping into the maternity shirts occasionally, but I was happy to get my company shirts for our tradeshow next week and relieved beyond belief that they fit! I can't wait for next week--big candy show in Chicago all week, plus my sister is due the 18th and I can't wait to see pics of my nephew! Sadly, it'll probably be a few weeks before I can meet him in person.

The weather has been so nice lately that DH and I took the beagle to some local fishing spots--Ocheyedan Pit and Willow Creek. He fished while I hiked with Nika. She loved it, but still won't go in the lake, so we don't know if she can swim. Some of the hills killed me and I had to pick off a few ticks, but it was nice to get some fresh air and DH liked having some company while he fished. I'm thinking about getting my fishing license after all. I can handle some dock fishing for panfish if it gets me outdoors. Just not going to get into the wading for walleye...yet.

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