Sunday, May 10, 2009

O Travel Toothpaste, Where Art Thou?

Sometimes the inspiration to organize hits me and I just have to stop what I'm doing and go with the feeling, because it might not come back again...ever. I'm fairly confident in saying that at least one of you out there has a medicine cabinet in their bathroom that looks a little like this:

I had plenty of tubs and baskets in there, but we seem to leave everything in a jumble and just stuff empty pharmacy bags and medicine boxes into the back. I took everything out, filled a garbage bag with empty boxes and outdated medicine, and then used paint pens to label the tubs. Here's how I divided it up:

  • First Aid (bandages, sunscreen, bug spray)
  • Shoe Polish/Travel (all those small shampoo bottles and no less than 5 travel toothpaste tubes)
  • Nail Polish
  • Lotion/Powder
  • Medicine
  • Soap (in a bread pan I got from my grandpa b/c I'm pretty sure I'll never be baking 8 loaves of bread at once and that's how many pans I have)
  • Extra (spare toothpaste tube, spare Plug-in refill, etc)
I love putting things in tubs that can be pulled out like a drawer. It makes it much easier to see what is on the top shelf because I can pull it down to my level. It also helps use the full depth of the cupboard because you can get to everything in the back by just pulling out one tub. So, maybe I've finally posted something not totally useless!?! May need to rename my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure you don't have time to make another trip back to my house?!? ;o) I have several baskets/tubs in the bathroom cupboards, but they often turn into your "before" pictures, too.

    Both Austin & I got a lot of little projects done yesterday. Austin is repainting our bedroom as I type and my friend from church might come back this week to repaint the kitchen/stairways/landing. I have most of the house stuff packed up but still have a little staging to do. I also have a little bit of deep cleaning (washer/dryer, stove, kitchen ceiling fan, etc.) and the windows need to be washed. Plus stinking Wal-mart still doesn't have my marigolds/impatiens/wave petunias in stock. I'm ready to give up on them and try somewhere else to fill my window boxes. It's looking good, though!
