Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Dazzling 39 weeks

I think the designer of this shirt was inspired by "Dazzle Camouflage" made popular in WW1 as a way to paint battleships to confuse the enemy. Apparently the "complex pattern of geometric shapes in contrasting colors, interrupting and intersecting each other"made it hard for the enemies to judge size and distance. Definitely the goal I am going for.

Besides a limited number of shirts, the pants pickings are getting awful slim as well (or opposite of slim if you want to be technical). I've worn skirts for a couple days now because all the work pants I've borrowed are too tight! One more day of dressing up and then casual day Friday! I do have some jeans I can still wear since I don't think the SDSU football camp t-shirt and DH's basketball shorts I am wearing right now will work...even for casual Friday.

I feel like I've been running on adrenaline most days here--putting in some later nights at work to get some things in order since Friday is going to be my last day. My ankles are quite fat when I crash at the end of the day, but the doc isn't worried about the fluid retention since my blood pressure remains low. I have an appointment tomorrow but am expecting them to tell me to be patient! My prediction--nothing happens until NEXT weekend or I go all the way to 41 weeks. In some ways I am ready to get this show on the road, but in some ways it would be nice to have a few days off next week to get some projects finished up around here and actually RESTING like everyone is telling me to do before the up-all-nights begin.

We'll see what Baby Boone decides!

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1 comment:

  1. You are so cute pregnant - it will soon be weird to see you not pregnant! I am so excited for you guys and am hoping you have at least a few days to yourself before Baby Boone decides to make an appearance! We are praying for you! :)
