Saturday, September 19, 2009

Shop 'till you Stop because the best part of shopping is when you get to stop.

Today we made our last trip to Sioux Falls to finish our baby shopping. The main objective was to pick up the rocker/recliner we had ordered two weeks ago. We knew it would take up a lot of room in the living room, but it just sits nice and I have a feeling functionality will take precedance over design in the next few years. We also picked up a clock for the nursery, changing pad protector, a hamper, and a step-trash can for diapers. (A tip from my sister was to simply use a step trash can with a grocery bag in it for the first few months, then when the baby gets into solid foods and stinkier diapers, start using the diaper genie. This saves money on diaper genie refills.)
Shopping was pretty exhausting today as we did a lot of walking to find the last item on my list, but it was worth getting it all completed to enjoy a 3:30 lunch at Panera. We picked up the chair after eating some delicious soup and salad (me) and Panini and frozen mocha (DH). Boy, was I ready to be off my feet! I could barely shove my feet back into my sandals after the hour-long ride home and they are currently a majestic shade of magenta with some shiny white places where they seeped up through the spaces in my sandal straps.
When we got home, we hung the clock along with a smoke detector and the orange mirror. I also hung the cute bear I received from my coworker on the crib. It plays four soothing sounds like a heartbeat, rain, ocean, and wind. The bottom center picture also shows another gift from a co-worker: a super-soft stuffed cow that opens up to be a pillow. I received some other great gifts from my department at our Pizza Ranch buffet "shower" last Thursday, including some adorable clothes, a jack-o-lantern outfit, blanket, orange fleece pillow and blanket, and cloth diaper burp cloths. I especially enjoyed the box of assorted Ghirardelli chocolate squares Brit gave me since she had given me a baby gift earlier. I think I ate 4 that night as I worked late. Sometimes it takes another pregnant lady to know just what a pregnant lady would want!
Other things crossed off the nesting list today: installing the car seat base in the car, washing all the garage sales clothes, and organizing everything in the nursery closet. I am feeling slightly more prepared, but have yet to pack a bag for the hospital! At least it feels like a few things are winding down. Tomorrow is my last PowerPoint Sunday at church and this coming week is supposed to be my last week of work. My co-worker reminded me this coming Monday is my last "Monday morning" until December! Only 10 more days until my due date, but the Doc said the baby seems pretty comfortable, so he's planning on an October birthday. Not good news for my sister who said I should have the baby this weekend (since she was bored.) I just hope it doesn't come the weekend after my due date when she and my brother-in-law will be in Minneapolis running their first marathon! Some days I feel like my body has been through a marathon too but I will put $100 on the fact that it will never actually complete one.
It can barely take walking the Empire Mall.
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