Thursday, October 8, 2009

First Day Alone

Not much to report today. Our first day home by ourselves went just fine. Ryan had another good night last night. To bed at 10:30, eating at 1, 4, and 6, and up at 9! I didn't even get to my tape of Glee until this morning, although I just fed him in the nursery most of the time. Let's just hope this schedule continues! Sometimes we wish he was awake more to play with during the day, but we wouldn't trade his great sleeping habits. I've read quite a bit of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child that my sister recommended and it has helped me understand the sleeping needs of infants a lot better. So, we will let him sleep when he wants to and just enjoy the awake time whenever it falls! Some of my favorite time is holding him after he eats while he is super sleepy-he is just a doll (if I do say so myself). Right now he is snoozing with Adam in the recliner. I'd post a picture, but it's pretty much a repeat of last night :).

I'm excited for my sister, niece, and nephew to meet Ryan for the first time tomorrow. It will help break up the day since DH will be gone to the FB game at night.

Ok, well I am laughing my head off right now as The Office cast dances down the until tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. You are right...he IS a doll!! Adorable! Have fun this weekend with Megan and family...
