Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Like Father, Like Son

As you can see, the Twins game isn't nearly as exciting tonight. Both Ryan and Dad seemed to be more interested in Z's than K's as they enjoy the new recliner. Ryan had another good night last night and we had a good day with Adam returning to school. My mom came again which allowed me to take a great nap after lunch and we enjoyed the beautiful weather outside with a short walk in the stroller. It was great to get some fresh air, but it looks like it might be the last time in a long time as temperatures are expected to plummet.
Ryan's "first" of today was that he moved his head from one side to the other during "tummy time". He doesn't mind it for a few minutes and we'll continue to have him spend some time on his tummy during his "awake" time. We enjoyed an amazing Roast Beef and Mashed Potatoes meal tonight, courtesy of a lady from church, complete with fresh homemade pesto on baguette and topped off with carrot cupcakes. We are truly blessed with wonderful friends, family and church community who are all helping us through this transition. Tomorrow will be my first day home by myself without my mom coming, but I am hoping for a great day. I'm prepared for my night feedings tonight with "So You Think You Can Dance" and "Glee" on tape (since it was on at the same time as the Twins game tonight). I hope I won't be up long enough to finish both, but chances are good!
We are loving every minute with our sweet baby boy!
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