Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Soup, Pie, Basketballs, and Unicycles

Tonight we enjoyed some soup, sandwiches, and pie at our church Soup & Pie supper. The line was literally to the door at 5:15pm. I'd never been there that early but I'm glad we went before our usual 6:45pm showing because rumor has it they were out of pie by 6:15. You do not want to see me when I've been waiting for some great dessert all day only to find it snatched from my fingertips! Our early showing scored me some sweet cream puff dessert. Perhaps I should have contributed more than one pie, but I'll make it up at the Harvest Auction next week.

After supper, we headed to the Middle School for a great show put on by Bruce Crevier and his family. He and his wife have 12 kids and they travel the country demonstrating awesome basketball skills (dribbling, spinning, etc.) and riding unicycles. Their website is  Bruce is in the Guiness Book of World Records four times, including for spinning 21 basketballs. His show was a lot of fun and he has a great message. During the school assembly this afternoon, he talked about making good choices (it is Character Counts week), but tonight he gave his testimony and talked about how Jesus is his Coach. This free family show was sponsored by the Osceola County Ministerial Association. We appreciate all they do for our community!  During the school assembly today, Adam was one of the volunteers chosen to try some skills and he won a signed basketball by successfully throwing a basketball behind his head, then reaching down between his legs and catching it behind him. You should ask him to demonstrate sometime!

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