Thursday, October 22, 2009

Three Week Ryan

Three Week Ryan
I am a growing boy! Today I weighed in at 10 lbs. and am 22" long. This means I've gained 2 lbs, 13 oz. and grew one inch since I was born. I am in the 75th percentile for height and weight. I am almost growing out of some of my newborn clothes! As far as we know, I am a very healthy boy and getting plenty to eat! My umbilical cord finally fell off now I can take baths in my little tub. I did not like washcloths baths too much because I cry when I am undressed. Hopefully the warm bath will be better and will help put me to sleep earlier because Mom does not always like staying up until midnight.
I am starting to stay awake for longer periods of time during the day, can focus on faces right in front of me, and even smiled in response to the Home Health worker today! I like to grunt a lot--in my sleep and when I am awake. I have crazy hair that likes to stick up in the back, but that's okay because I just wear a hoodie when I am out and about. I like to lay on my playmat and can even bat one of the toys with my hand, even though I am probably just doing it on accident. I wake up whenever I am laid in my crib and love to sleep in someone's arms with my hands above my head. I like the "rain" sound on my crib bear and like listening to the instrumental lullabies CD from Grandpa and Grandma Boone. I like my swing and bouncy seat sometimes, but there's nothing like Mom's arms! Tonight I am drinking from a bottle for the first time so that Dad can feed me and Mom can be gone for a few hours at a time. I downed 3oz. in a good minute or two so now we know that I'll take a bottle!
Summary: I am a hungry, growing boy!
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