Monday, October 5, 2009

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

Ryan had a great first night at home and his eating/sleeping schedule cooperated nicely with our first trip out of the house, to the 11:00 service at church. Everyone loved meeting him and he slept through the service like a champ!

In the morning, we tracked Auntie Abbie and Uncle Wade online as they ran the MTC Marathon in the Twin Cities. They did great and finished in 4:04. We are so proud of them!

We had a fun afternoon visiting with Grandpa and Grandma Boone and watched the Twins win their last regularly scheduled game in the Metrodome. Uncle Wade and Grandpa Boote were at the game and the "Farewell to the Dome" activities. Adam and I both have fond memories of watching the Twins play in the Metrodome. Adam thinks the "best" memory is when we watched the 16-inning game vs. the Tigers this past summer. I said "it's a memory all right". One day I'm sure we'll tell Ryan about how the Twins used to play in the Dome and how we took him to the game that lasted 2 days (July 3 & 4) when I was 7 months pregnant.

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