Monday, October 5, 2009

And the Sleepless Nights Begin....

Saturday night's great schedule of eating, then falling right back to sleep did not repeat itself on Sunday night. I slept from about 10:30-12, but then was up pretty much straight until 6. Little dude just likes to fall asleep while eating, but then wakes up as soon as he is put down in his crib. I caught some sleep in the morning between 6 and 10 with only one interruption to eat. It was nice to have Adam home from school today and he had some fun play time on the floor with Ryan (and Nika) this morning.

After lunch my mom came up to help out for the afternoon. She did laundry, cleaned my washer and dryer, and cleaned out my entire refrigerator. Wow! Can't say I even remember the last time that was cleaned! I sure appreciated the help today since the lack of sleep combined with some lingering pain (and, I suspect slightly over-doing it yesterday) left me a little out of commission. Adam had football practice in the rain this afternoon and then we had a few visits from friends. Ryan was a pretty sleepy boy this afternoon, but was awake a little bit to interact with Grandma Boote.

He faked me out by pretending he was going to sleep at 8:45, but as you can see, he is still awake and chillin' while watching the Vikings game tonight.

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