Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving Dinner with Adam's extended family on Thursday. My contributions were a French Silk pie and my first pumpkin pie ever. There was lots of pie leftover, but attribute that less to the quality of my pies and more to the fact that there were 6 pies for 21 people (plus other desserts) Ryan cooperated by sleeping all through dinner and for most of the afternoon--sometimes on willing shoulders and sometimes in Grandpa and Grandma's cradle. He even slept through the big traditional "Nerts" card game. He perked up a little when we ventured over to my parents for more food (after all, who doesn't follow up a huge turkey dinner with turkey sandwiches at night--except for Adam's family who had Casey's pizza which I heard was equally as delightful). Ryan really loves it when people talk to him and he'll reward you most of the time with a smile and a half-laugh which is really just him making a sound and sucking the air back in. This also gives him the hiccups, but what's new? We haven't accomplished a full-on giggle yet, but it's coming.  We had a great time celebrating Thanksgiving with many family members and are especially thankful this year for our healthy baby boy who has changed our lives for the better!

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