Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sleepy TIme

At the risk of jinxing myself, I will finally post about some sleep success we've been having. Last week, after Ryan kept staying up later and later, the 1:00am bedtime finally pushed me over the edge and made me do some serious research about how we could establish a bedtime routine and get him used to putting himself to sleep. The first two nights we followed the bedtime routine-bath, pajamas, feeding, then quiet reading/singing in his dimly lit room. He cried for about an hour after we put him down, with us going in to reassure him every 5-10 minutes. The next night we took off for Waverly where he slept for 7 hours straight the first night, only got up once the second night, and put himself back to sleep after feeding. We had some more general success this week with an earlier bedtime, less crying, and putting himself back to sleep quickly after eating once or twice each night. Tuesday night was a little out of the ordinary as I didn't get back from my board meeting until 11 and Ryan had been awake off and on since bedtime (but not getting up). I fed him at 11 and he slept until 5:30 the next morning, then went back to bed again until 11am.  Last night we had church, so his bedtime routine got pushed back an hour and a half, but he fell asleep by10pm and guess who slept straight through until 6:30 this morning! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

I am entirely aware that this success will probably not last, but I refuse to be discouraged by other people  being intent on making SURE I am aware of the fact this will not last. I am happy as long as it lasts and will take what I can get, which in this case was 8.5 hours of sleep. SO THERE!


  1. Good thing you didnt post.....I definitely jinxed myself! Lets hope it gets better before I go to work.....but what a good way for you to celebrate Thanksgiving!! :)

  2. I think the sleep success could last! Genevieve started sleeping through the night when she was 9 weeks old. At that time, she fell asleep around 10 pm and woke up around 6 am. She gradually started sleeping longer and now sleeps around 12 hours straight each night! Good luck!


  3. YAY for Courtney! It's good to set the routine now! He will do great! Jory was excellent at just going to sleep on his was so nice (however, as a 7 year old...not so much...but I would rather argue with a 7 year old than an infant ;))! Good Luck and have a fabulous day!!!
